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BMSB in the News

Brown marmorated stink bug has been a hot topic in the news since 2010, with significant coverage in national media. Many of these stories have drawn on the expertise of researchers involved in this project.

Video Series

“Tracking the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug” shows growers and others how to identify BMSB, why this pest is important in agriculture, and what’s at stake if we don’t stop it. A team of 50 scientists is working toward sustainable solutions, and our outreach team is producing this video series to showcase the group’s work.

Chinche Apestoso Marrón Marmolado (CAMM)

El chinche apestoso marrón marmolado, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), es una plaga voraz que daña frutales, hortalizas, cultivos anuales y ornamentales en Norteamérica.

Resource Links

Our team has assembled a list of information and resources about brown marmorated stink bug from around the web.